Hi all,
I would like to create an authentication system with username and password (without storing the email of the user, for security reason). So I just send by mail the username and password to the user that contact me to create the account (but i don’t store the email itself). Is there a way?
The email field of a user record is required and must be unique, but is only required to be valid for the following scenarios:
- You have enabled new account activation by email in the Galaxy config.
- Resetting forgotten passwords.
- Bug reporting: the user email is used as the return address (but users can specify a valid email with the bug report if they wish.
- Features such as emailing on workflow step completion (there’s no workaround for this).
There may be cases I’m forgetting, but most of Galaxy’s functionality should work fine without a valid email address.
Some instructions for external authentication with Apache, should be easy enough to adapt to other httpds.
So in the end, I will ask the users to contact me so I create an account for them (with fake email and random username and password). But I need to edit the login/registration page (i.e https://usegalaxy.eu/login) of my Galaxy instance. Where can I edit it?
I’m not terribly familiar with the client but I believe you’d want to modify this file to customize the login page.
Many thanks for your help. Is it possible to directly edit that file? I just need to remove the Email Address text from:
<b-form-group label="Public name or Email Addresst
but I got this error after this edit.
$ parcel build src/script.js -d static --no-source-maps npm ERR! asyncWrite is not a function npm ERR! pna.nextTick is not a function
Is there a correct way to edit this Login.vue file?
Many thanks for your time and help.