Galaxy toolshed: Scheduled maintenance May 24 2024

Is the main galaxy toolshed down at the moment? I’m getting a 502 error on the admin install page.

Yes, this is down for me as well:

Other Penn State University resources are still up, though!

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Hi @nikothomas and thanks for commenting @colinbrislawn !!

The ToolShed is undergoing scheduled maintenance. Timelines are difficult to predict, so please follow here for updates.

Thanks for asking here at the forum! It will help others to find the notice, too. :hammer_and_wrench:


I’m seeing an Error: Gateway Time-out (504) on our self-hosted instance and I can’t access the website at all Could you clarify if there are any issues with it after the maintenance? Thanks a lot!

I am also haveing the same issue as @lmfaber
Not able to access the toolshed webpage. Getting the same error on our self-hosted instance.
Just wanted to put it out there that more than one person is having issues accessing the toolshed.


Looks like it has been fixed. Thank you!

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