gene synthesis oligo design

Dear all,

I’m trying to find a tool for invitro gene synthesis oligo design similar to DNAWorks which is discontinued in Biowulf.

Galaxy is supposed to have Gene2Oligo, but I could not find it.

I’m also concerned that the search function is not working properly, as it cannot find tools that are literally on the front panel.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Hi @BenMulder

Which server is this happening at? The URL at the very top of your browser window is where to find that. Thanks and more soon about the rest. :slight_smile:

Hi Jennaj,
this is the URL

thank you for your help.


Ok, thanks, you are working at

The tool panel search seems to be working for me. If you want to share a particular search term that isn’t finding something, I would be very interested in checking it out to make sure everything is actually working! Sometimes there are corner cases – and the developers can use those to make the search logic better the next release.

And, I went hunting for a suggested tool for you… and I don’t have something that is at the UseGalaxy servers. That older tool you mention hasn’t ever been wrapped for Galaxy that I can tell. Now, I remember that being a stand-alone website a very long time ago – maybe 10+ years – then I searched for the publication, tried the supplementary links in there – nothing, plus the development URL was a non-https version that didn’t re-route. That can mean that the development has been abandoned, or is now private.

If you find something appropriate, and it is an open source tool we can host on the public servers, we could probably wrap it for Galaxy, especially if we had community help with that. If you share the links back here I can help to open a request to the IUC development team.

Thanks! :scientist:

Hi Jennaj,

Thank you for looking into it,

You are right that both standalone tools for gene synthesis oligo design (DNAworks and Gene2Oligo), have been discontinued, very unfortunate.

I had googled if any was on Galaxy and it suggested Gene2Oligo. Never trust Google.

As for the search tool it might be me; I tested it by looking for EMBOSS and it could not find it, but I suspect it’s because EMBOSS is a Tool kit and not a tool.

Anyway, thank you again.



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Yes, searches by tool categories will not bring up any hits. That means for the categories that are a full tool suite, unless the tool name or description also includes that label, no hits. There is an open ticket about this but it is a bit tricky to do – it would mean rewriting all the tool wrappers! So as those get updated organically, the search gets a bit better over time.

So, to review EMBOSS tools, you can either search for the tool directly, or browse through the category instead. :slight_smile: