I searched for a solution before posting here, but I don’t have any more ideas to solve my problem…
My local server for galaxy worked well until few days.
Since last week, I have the error message “failed connection” when I try to connect to galaxy in local. I tried all the solutions I saw on this forum and on other : clean dns, clean web cache, try to desactivate the firewall. It did’nt work.
I verified, with xampp if the servers Apache and MyPostGreSQL were correctly running, and yes.
I tried to launch galaxy with the terminal : ‘sh run.sh --daemon’, but I apparently have a problem with gunicorn. I obtained this message
‘The Galaxy client build is up to date and will not be rebuilt at this time.
Activating virtualenv at .venv
Executing: galaxyctl start
gunicorn: ERROR (spawn error)’
Do I have to reinstall Gunicorn? Do I have to make an update?
And then, I looked in the config file ‘galaxy.yml’ if all was ok for the connection with the localhost :
under the section ‘gravity’, I have ‘app_server : gunicorn’ and for gunicorn : ‘bind : localhost:8080’.
Thanks for sharing so many details! I’ve cross-posted your question over to our Admin chat to learn if someone recognizes what may be going wrong. They will probably reply here but you can join the chat group too! You're invited to talk on Matrix
What might help more is sharing some specifications about your server and environment.
Versions of the programs involved might matter, not sure, but all of these were working originally?
Did anything on your side change? Upgrading or installing? OS update? Different network?
Related prior Q&A. Getting rid of the current venv and letting that build again was this person’s solution. You could try that, too, to see what happens. → Bug trying to install locally galaxy