How can I use HECTAR

I am trying to use HECTAR ( to predict the subcellular localization of my protein of interest. I managed to upload the fasta file and run HECTAR; however, the result I get is a message saying “API authentication required for this request.”

For this, I registered on Galaxy (, created an account, and logged in, but it appears that the web tool I am trying to use is separate from Galaxy, as it says that the account does not exist.

What is “API authentication,” and how can I get results from HECTAR?

Hi @seunghye_park,

Oh it sounds like you are having trouble accessing this tool. As this is probably an admin thing it is a question probably better asked directly to the forum as they will have a better idea of how to help.

Alternative support forums

When working at certain Galaxy sites, questions are best asked at the places the scientists who run the server host discussions. They can also let you know if there happen to be any current technical problems that may be impacting your analysis.

:frog: UseGalaxy.frGalaxy - IFB Community Support

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