How to include new variable modifications which are absent in the list?

Hi Galaxy team,

I need to include new variable modifications which are absent in the list. Is it possible to add these modifications to Galaxy? Like in the MaxQuant configuration tab?

With best regards,


Hi @Arman_Kulyyassov,
do you mean to modify some tools in order to include additional options?


Thank you very much for your reply.
I downloaded MaxQuant (version to my desktop computer and included two new variable modifications Glyceroyl-Lys (composition H(4) O C(3)) and PhosphoGlyceroyl-Lys (composition H(5) O(6) C(3) P) on the configuration tab. Do you have the same options to include new protein modifications on MaxQuant in Galaxy?

in that case, you need to open a Pull Request in order to include those modifications in this file tools-galaxyp/macros.xml at master · galaxyproteomics/tools-galaxyp · GitHub. Let me know if you need any additional help.


Dear Cristóbal Gallardo,

thank you very much for your offer. Unfortunately, I am not an IT specialist. Please include the following protein modifications to the list of variable modifications:

  1. Glyceroyl-Lys (K) (composition H(4) O(3) C(3))
  2. PhosphoGlyceroyl-Lys (K) (composition H(5) O(6) C(3) P)
  3. Propionyl (K) (composition H(4) O C(3))

With best regards,


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