How to learn server status for a Galaxy server hosted by a college

Please any idea about Galaxy Universität Halle. Is it Functional? It take long time to file to my galaxy account

Welcome, @sim81

Do you still need help?

I’m not sure about which server that might be, but it sounds like it is a Galaxy server for a university that you attended in the past, or are currently attending?

Try this

  1. If you can find your original account activation email (the one with the confirmation link when you first created your account) – it will be from an email address associated with the server administrators. You could try contacting them there.
  2. That same email might also include an email address that they use for dedicated support.
  3. If you are currently attending a class, and your instructor stated to use that Galaxy server, they would be the best contact to follow up with about the server status and your account.

We can try to help more here if you share the URL of the server, but the help will probably be very general for using and creating an account in Galaxy at any server. These FAQs are where to start, and you can ask questions about any of it. Do not share your account credentials since this is a public forum.

Hopefully you solved this problem already! :slight_smile: