Immune Repertoire pipeline - analysis is finished

Hi all,

I’m an early beginner using the Immune Repertoire (IR) pipeline. Today I submitted 30 samples to analyse using the IR pipeline. When the analysis is finished, it usually turns green in my history pane and I can then click the eye icon to open it. However, when it opens I get the following message:



Sample 1 of patient S1 is not a zip file so assuming fasta/fastq, using igBLASTn
Sample 1 of patient S2 is not a zip file so assuming fasta/fastq, using igBLASTn
Sample 1 of patient S3 is not a zip file so assuming fasta/fastq, using igBLASTn
Sample 1 of patient S4 is not a zip file so assuming fasta/fastq, using igBLASTn
Sample 1 of patient S5 is not a zip file so assuming fasta/fastq, using igBLASTn
Sample 1 of patient S6 is not a zip file so assuming fasta/fastq, using igBLASTn
Sample 1 of patient S7 is not a zip file so assuming fasta/fastq, using igBLASTn
Sample 1 of patient S8 is not a zip file so assuming fasta/fastq, using igBLASTn
Sample 1 of patient S9 is not a zip file so assuming fasta/fastq, using igBLASTn
Sample 1 of patient S10 is not a zip file so assuming fasta/fastq, using igBLASTn
Sample 1 of patient S11 is not a zip file so assuming fasta/fastq, using igBLASTn
Sample 1 of patient S12 is not a zip file so assuming fasta/fastq, using igBLASTn
Sample 1 of patient S13 is not a zip file so assuming fasta/fastq, using igBLASTn

Does this mean that the analysis is still running? Even though it already turned green.

Many thanks!

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Hi @mariaprimo

Is the output still the same now? If so, the processing may have stalled or quit out for some reason but a tool error with a red result was not triggered. Intermediate/runtime information in the “results” are unexpected in a putatively successful (green) dataset – and it could mean there is a server-side issue or an untrapped error issue with the tool wrapper itself.

Many public Galaxy servers are under very heavy usage right now. There are a few different public Galaxy servers that host these tools. Check the URL of the public Galaxy server where you are working. Not all follow this forum – usually just the usegalaxy.* server admins.

Galaxy Platform Directory:

  • If you are working at a usegalaxy.* server, which? There are three.

  • If working at a different Galaxy server, contact information is usually on the home page of the server or in their directory listing.

  • If you cannot find the contact, please share back the base URL of the Galaxy server and we can try to help more.
