Job error with no error message -- Truncated uploaded inputs


I received this error, and it says that the job is waiting to run when I click on the last dataset. Do I simply have to wait, or is there other issue?


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Hi @mystli901

You are working at, correct?

Would you please send in a bug report from one of the red error datasets? Include a link to this Galaxy Help topic in the bug report comments. Please do not delete any data yet (failed jobs do not contribute to quota usage). If you are using a workflow, also create a share link to that workflow and include it in the bug comments – or, simply state the workflow name and we can find it that way. This makes sure we are all reviewing the same data/tools/parameters. Once the report is sent in, please comment back here so we know when to look it.

That said, this looks like an input problem, but it could also be a technical issue.

Meanwhile, we would suggest that you re-run at least one time to eliminate any transient cluster issues. Please do that in the same history if possible.


Hi @jennaj

I actually found the real error in the original dataset, which was only partially uploaded and unlikely to be a bug. I will rerun the analysis. Thank you for your help and quick response.

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Thanks @mystli901 for letting us know you found the problem and a solution :milky_way:

If the data are large and you are loading by browsing local files, consider using FTP. It can be a bit easier to resume the transfer and notice when an upload is incomplete.

FAQ: Loading Data

Plus many GTN tutorials include an Upload step: Galaxy Training!
