JupyterLab shutdown after 24 hours of run.

In description it was written 30days will run an interactive tool, In my side jupyter lab stopped after 24hours without finishing job. Is there any notebook to run 30days?

Hi @heisrepeatedlysaying

Are you working at UseGalaxy.org or at a different public Galaxy server? Check the URL at the top of your browser window to confirm.

Also – be sure to run just one interactive environment at a time at any particular UseGalaxy server. This is for practical resource reasons at the public sites.

Let us know and we can follow up more about what might be going on. I’m not clear if the job inside the notebook quit after 24 hours (runtime exceeded) or if the notebook itself became inactive after 24 hours. And, if you were running more than one at a time or not. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I am using UseGalaxy.org, and I’ve noticed that JupyterLab is stopping after 24 hours. I understand that this might be due to resource management policies on the public server. I was running a single interactive environment, so I’m not sure if the issue is related to exceeding runtime or if the notebook itself became inactive after that period. I appreciate your assistance in clarifying this!

Hi @heisrepeatedlysaying

I just confirmed with our lead administrator at UseGalaxy.org about the intended usage of an interactive environment session.

  1. The job runtime limit (execution time) is 12 hours inside a notebook interactive environment.
  2. A notebook itself persists live for a single active session, so around a day.
  3. You can save a session then start it up again later, or export your work to a history, then load it back up again later (or start a new session) from exported or uploaded data in a history.
  4. At this time, the public resources are not intended to support larger long running processing jobs. A local notebook would be better for that kind of work (hosted inside a Galaxy server or run directly).

How other public Galaxy servers manage the resources can be different.

  • We can ping some EU people here: Hi @wm75 would you be able to clarify the usage policies for interactive environments at UseGalaxy.eu or suggest who could?
  • And for the AU server, Hi @igor would you be able to clarify this for the UseGalaxy.org.au server?

XREF → GTN Tutorials and FAQs for Jupyter Notebooks

Glad we can help! :hammer_and_wrench: I wasn’t entirely clear on this either, so you have a very good question! Let’s gather the current policies here as a reference for everyone.

Hi @jennaj
I believe Galaxy Australia also uses 12 hours cut-off for interactive environments.
Kind regards,

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