Linking to a repository -- How to use tools not installed at a public server

Hello, There is a repository named qiime2_wrappers (URL below). I was unable to find this repository anywhere in the public galaxy version. Is this only available in the locally installed galaxy version? If not, how do I “link” to this repository.



Is this only available in the locally installed galaxy version?

Each instance’s tool suite is installed by administrators, so not all tools in the shed will be present in all Galaxy instances – it’s at the discretion of the admin. This allows the tool shed to be permissive in accepting tools, so you can run anything you’d like to download/develop on your own instance, without potentially compromising the security of every other instance (should someone upload a malicious tool). does not have the tool collection you mentioned, though does appear to have some similar tools that draw from this collection:

if those tools are insufficient, your best bet is to run that particular step in your process on your own Galaxy if possible – or befriend a Galaxy admin :wink:


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