Adding new tool to a public server


Is there a way to add my own tool to a public galaxy server (in this case, When I searched for tutorials on how to add a tool to a galaxy server, I arrive at this page:

My understanding from this page is that, if I have my own instance of a galaxy server in my machine (or cluster), in which case I will be the admin, then I can install my tool using one of the listed methods. But I don’t suppose anyone can get admin privileges to do those tasks (install own tool) on a public server like

Could you point me to the documentation on how I can install and use my own code (tool) on

Wazim M.

3 Likes is a public server, so we only install high quality, approved tools. The usual procedure involves writing a new tool and creating a pull request (PR) against the IUC repository. Once the PR is accepted we ( administrators) can install the tool on the public site. See this for more info.

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@nekrut What if a tool is already published on a public ToolShed repo but not under iuc owner? Can it be used for install consideration on of the North American What are main criteria for approval/refusal? Thank you