Can someone help me load this new tool?


Please can someone help me install this tool?


Is it not working at all right now? See:
While I am typing this reply the status is “Major Outage”.

Thanks but all systems have been reported operational “All Systems Operational”

Do you get errors? Are you using a local installation? Are you admin of the local installation?

I am not an admin and do not know anything about tool installation. I am working on a genome that would require me to find transpoable elements. I desperately need to get a tool that can do that Repet is a fantastic tool

Ah, that is already some more info. You need to be admin to be able to install tools. If you are using a local installation you can be admin by adding your email to the admins in galaxy/config/galaxy.yml.

Think if you use a public galaxy server you need to request it at an admin of that server(?)

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Can you help install it for me?

No, I am not an admin.

Alerting administrators: @wm75 @bjoern.gruening

Update: This tool seems to have restricted/licensed usage, which means it may not be possible to install it on a public Galaxy server.

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I contacted one of the original developers and he stated that this tool is not maintained anymore. I don’t think its a good idea to install it at this stage, sorry :frowning:

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