I have fastqsanger files I’ve generated on my Galaxy account (not local) that I want to download to a harddrive. I was downloading these one at a time using the save icon. 4 downloaded with no issues, however I now get directed to an error page stating the site can’t be reached. If I attempt to download the whole dataset, it doesn’t direct me to an error page but always stops right before completion, citing a network error. I am somewhat new to Galaxy and any advice would be appreciated.
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I am having a similar issue. I receive a message that states the site can’t be reached. I suspect they are perhaps performing updates or there in the process of fixing something.
I hope your issue is fixed quickly. It’s quite frustrating to be unable to access the data.
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Same issue with me. Can’t download or view anything.
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Sorry, I thought I replied to this thread - this issue should now be fixed, please try it again and let us know if you’re still running in to issues.
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