Not identifying fungi with kraken2 PlusPF database

Hope you are doing well.
I think there is a problem with the Kraken2 standard database with protozoa and fungi.

I am analyzing a WGS dataset with (Kraken2 plusPF database) but unfortunately couldn’t able to identify any fungi species in the dataset. But, when I use Fungi genomes database, it could able to identify.
Can you please help me with this?

Thank you

Welcome @dibs

There were some problems introduced at the source of the files (upstream from Galaxy) for this database. Details are in topics here, including → Kraken2 database - #5 by Jon_Colman

Then, we are adding some databases. Please see → Eukaryote taxonomic classification reference database options - #4 by tcollins2011

Hope this helps to explain what is going on! :slight_smile: