Slow uploads to

The last couple of days, my uploads from an external hard drive to my account have been very slow (e.g., over 1 hr for 1 BAM file). I’m wondering if others are having this issue or if there is something on my end (I have tried restarting my PC, using a different USB port, and using different external hard drives). Thanks

Hi @imperialadmiral121
I uploaded ~600 MB file (GZipped FASTQ) from ENA to the ORG server using upload by URL in ~one minute. I don’t know how it compares to one BAM file per hour. File size is more useful for illustration of upload speed. I believe Galaxy sorts and index BAM alignments, so, if you have aligned reads, upload time may include sorting and indexing.

Maybe measure your upload speed, especially if you upload from personal/home network. Check different connections (wireless vs LAN). Try upload of a single file. Copy one file to hard drive and try upload from hard drive.

Kind regards,