Hello, I used tripal galaxy module to submit triple data, but the job was always in the submit state after the submission was completed. The galaxy server was in my local version 19.01, and it could be clearly seen that the job proposal of the site would arouse the execution of galaxy and produce results, but the job on the tripal site was always in the submit state.
Welcome @na_songyan
I’m not sure what you mean by the “tripal” or “triple” site? Is that a tool? The number of jobs concurrently running? Is that the name of your workflow or the output history?
From the screenshot, it looks like you have some completed datasets (green), some hidden datasets (light gray), and some deleted datasets (dark grey) across histories. None of those histories seem to have data that is still processing.
You also have a workflow listed that was submitted and seems to be waiting to process. We can’t tell which history output is associated with it (if any in the listing). You could click on that “View Submission” button to see what is displayed.
If you want to explain more, we might be able to help more.