Troubleshooting: Krona Pie chart display

Welcome, @vaandio

That issue from 6 years ago was about the HTML display of an output file needing a flag changed in the database, and has long been resolved.

Your display message seems like it could be something similar, or there is some other problem with the file.

There are a few versions of these tools, and I just checked at and all have the setting display technically correct. Maybe the problem was transient – have you tried again yet?

If this is still presenting, we can look at the exact tool and version are you using. You can share your work to help clarify this, how-to is in the banner of the forum, also here. → How to get faster help with your question

Let’s start there, and let us know if this has resolved already! The server had some technical changes underway the last few days, and trying again is the usual solution for small display issues but perhaps not all. We can follow up to confirm but will need an example. :slight_smile: