freezing: Status December 6 2024 RESOLVED

I was downloading files from my history in Galaxy when suddenly, I was not able to download them anymore. I was taken to a black screen with an error code. Then, I was unable to view any of the files in my histories. All jobs in the histories say “Dataset peek loading” and have been stuck like this for a long time. I have attached a screenshot. The site is also freezing pretty badly.

Is this an issue across the whole server, or is it just a problem with my account? I appreciate any help!

I have the same issue as well, I think that is a server problem.

It seems that this is a server issue. I returned to my history and found this message:

Hi @mads and @WinWin_C

Status December 6 2024

Yes, the server had some problems earlier but this should be resolved now.

Please try again and let us know if it works Ok now! :hammer_and_wrench:


Hi @jennaj

Everything seems to be working now. I am able to view and download my datasets. Thank you so much!

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Great, thanks for letting us know @mads :star_struck:

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