I want to delete a test user. But i get the following error:
User deletion must be configured on this instance in order to allow user self-deletion. Please contact an administrator for assistance.
But i can not find any facilities neither to delete user, nor to “allow user self-deletion” in the admin panel, moreover, google also told me nothing about this!
How can i delete some user?
Thanks in advance.
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Hi @wormball
The feature was introduced in the 20.09
release. Is your server upgraded to at least that or a later release? The 20.01
release is the most current.
*September 2020 Galaxy Release (v 20.09) — Galaxy Project 21.01 documentation << where the feature and the PR for that change are in the release notes.
There is also a galaxy.yml
option that allows admins to delete accounts (Admin > User Management > Users). Search for the user by email and manage accounts in the browser. The default is false – change to true and remove the hash to enable.
# Allow administrators to delete accounts.
#allow_user_deletion: false
There are admin command-line options as well. The utility gxadmin
is helpful and functions can be modified/added. Useful for batch admin actions when the browser is way too tedious due to volume, or queries that are not wrapped in the browser for practical reasons.
*GitHub - galaxyproject/gxadmin: Handy command line utility for Galaxy administrators
*Searching the Galaxy
Hope that helps!
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Thanks Jennifer!
I am using 20.09 but i can not see this option.
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The function for user self-deleting accounts is built into release 20.09
. Log into the account (web browser), and find the option under User > Preferences. If it is not there, you may have missed a point release (minor changes between full releases). Try updating.
The function for admin-deleting accounts is not new but it changed a bit in 21.01
. Where that option is located in the galaxy.yml is for that release in the quote posted earlier.
These are distinct functions – maybe that is the confusion?
Note: There is a pending release undergoing testing right now: 20.05
. It is live at UseGalaxy.org. The testing process usually takes a few weeks to settle out, and it is not recommended to update servers until the release is announced. It is also usually better to update in the order of releases. So, getting updated to 20.01
is recommended, to prepare for the 20.05
release/update, and to capture any intermediate bug fixes/update between releases. Get the “stable” version for most use-cases, or expect odd behavior.
*Releases — Galaxy Project 21.01 documentation
BTW – The admin docs are versioned. Use the version toggle buttons at the bottom left corner of the TOC to go to any release-specific version of the page you are viewing.
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