Adding nonsense mediated decay (NMD) plugin to ensembl_vep tool

I wanted to request the addition of a plugin to the ensembl_vep (variant effect predictor) tool. This has been detailed here: Cool stuff Ensembl VEP can do: flagging variants predicted to allow NMD escape – Ensembl Blog. The plugin is noted in the gitub page as well: VEP_plugins/ at release/105 · Ensembl/VEP_plugins · GitHub

I had opened an issue for a new tool plugin addition on the iuc github page (based on previous discussions in the help page for adding new tools) but have not recieved any responses. Is there any other way for admins to take notice to add this plugin to the vep tool?

Thank you

Hi @prao123

What you are doing is the right way to request this. The people who could work on this are probably just really busy. :slight_smile: Things tend to pick up again after summer, so “keep following up” is my best advice.

Xref Tool Request: Plugin: Adding nonsense mediated decay (NMD) plugin to ensembl_vep · Issue #6122 · galaxyproject/tools-iuc · GitHub

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