I’m a bit new to galaxy, I would like to make our software available to the galaxy ecosystem. The first tool that i created analyzes a data set, and produces tabular data. I’ve ended up choosing the tabular format over ‘tsv’ or ‘csv’ as the visualization tools did not seem to work with those.
As the number of columns, their order and meaning, is not knowable before running the tool, the first row contains column headers for the remaining table. That made sense to me, however they are not recognized as such by galaxy. When i view the data, new headers with the column numbers are generated. And the visualization tools produce artifacts for the first row. (i.e scatter plots start with ‘null’).
So the question: would it be better not to return header information? Currently, i’d have to remove the first line with the text manipulation tools, before plotting. Since googling does not provide much information about this topic, what are other peoples experiences.