Circexplorer 2 over a week to execute and still running

Hi all –

I’ve set up the same test as defined in the tool’s XML file, and with the same test data.

That content has links to data and examples you can test with.

Tip: how to get test data into Galaxy?

  1. Go to the tool’s test-data folder at Github
  2. Click on the file you want to retrieve, then in the upper right you’ll see a button labeled raw. Capture that link (“right-click” under MacOS for “Copy Link Address”) and paste it into the Galaxy Upload tool using all default settings.

That is now running in here, and I loaded data for a few of the tests already. Tool tests 2 and 3 ran pretty quickly on this very small data.

What to do now:

Larger data will take longer, and the parameters choices will also matter. This tool has several modes, so … I would suggest reviewing the example data to compare to yours to see if you can notice anything different.

If you cannot figure out what is going on, you can share back a link to your history and we can try to help more. The details will matter for this one, so screenshots will probably not be enough unless you really capture all of the details: job logs with expanded sections + each input file with both the metadata and some of the data content lines + how the job was set up with the paramaters.

These guides explain what we will need →

Hope this helps, and this is for the other post here Circexplorer2 runtime - #4 by piglet22 that @piglet22 is asking about. Both of you can follow this help, and post your details for feedback. This tool is too complicated to troubleshoot without those gory details! :hammer_and_wrench: