CREx Matrix has Different Values

I found an error while running some mitochondrial gene orders through CREx. When computing CREx distance and breakpoint distance, the values are not the same across the zero line of the matrix, however, when running common intervals, the error is not present. The error happens with both the table and list output options. My matrix is made of 23 species so I though maybe the error was with the odd number so I added another gene order and the problem is still present.

Hi @LucasJennings

If you want to share your examples in a Galaxy history, one of the tool authors can help at this forum.

How to share → FAQ: Sharing your History. You can include the dataset numbers involved and any supplemental screenshots from that view that will help to explain more.

Ping @bernt-matthias would you like to take a look?

Let’s start there, thanks! :slight_smile:

Indeed, a shared history would help.

@bernt-matthias and @jennaj Here is my history.

Object 345 shows the error I am speaking of where the numbers don’t match across the zero line of the matrix.

Object 344 is my gene order list

If you look at object 342, you can see that the numbers in this matrix match across the zero line.

Hopefully that all makes sense. Sorry my history is so messy!

Thanks a lot for the data and the report. Problem is an actual bug in the code. Even if you selected “breakpoint distance” the tools still computed the “CREx distance” (which can be asymmetric).

I created a fix here fix CLI: -b and -i need to reset -c (!4) · Merge requests · Matthias Bernt / revoluzer · GitLab and version 0.1.7 of the tool should be available soon.

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@bernt-matthias thank you!