Hi everyone,
I am performing differential expression analysis using featureCounts files that I previously analyzed in UseGalaxy. However, I am now very confused. Does DESeq2 in UseGalaxy allow for comparisons such as (Overexpression cell line1 - Control1) - (Overexpression cell line2 - Control2)? I have two different cell lines, each with its own control, and I want to compare them. From what I understand, DESeq2 uses the first factor as the reference. What if I have two reference groups? In this case, would Limma-voom be a better option?
Another question: If I have two or three treatments but only one reference (control) and want to compare the treatments with each other, how should I set up the analysis? All treatments come from the same cell line, but they are part of different experiments, all sharing the same control. For example, I have cell line 1 with treatment 1, treatment 2, treatment 3, and a common control. How can I properly compare the treatments with each other?
Thanks in advance, Bana