I’m encountering an error when running the tool “Download and Extract Reads in FASTQ format from NCBI SRA” on Galaxy Main usegalaxy.org. Here’s the Galaxy Tool ID, for reference:
I’m using all default parameters with the following accession number: SRR25390809. When I click on the (i) button for the failed “Single-end data (fastq-dump)” file in my History, this is the Tool Standard Error I see:
/jetstream2/scratch/main/jobs/57059044/tool_script.sh: line 10: fastq-dump: not found
/jetstream2/scratch/main/jobs/57059044/tool_script.sh: line 11: syntax error: unexpected "(" (expecting ")")
My colleague (a much more experienced Galaxy user) has also tried to run this tool on his computer and is seeing the same error. Please let me know if I can provide any more details!
All the best,