Export data with link not working

I’m trying to use the download link to export my data from one galaxy server to another but despite the history being set to public it’s not working. I have successfully done this before so I don’t know what’s wrong.

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Hi @numbergirl86

This is curious behavior.

Do you want to let us know which servers these were? The “to” and “from” server. The URLs are at the top of your browser windows. Then if you want to create a very simple history (one or two files you don’t mind sharing here), and let that to shared, we can try to replicate that not working at the other server. Maybe there is a problem we can fix, or maybe there is something special about those servers.

Another way to move data is to copy the datasets you want to move over into a new history, then set it to shared, then use the Export History to File option. This is a quick way to move several datasets over in a batch, preserving the original structure (collections and such). I use this one the most and several times a day, it works great! Larger history’s can work but can take a lot more time.

The final check would be to test if there is something special about the file itself, and I can list out some of the data that cannot be moved between servers and that might be enough: no HTML content (security reasons) and no data index that you created with a tool like SNPeff build or makeBLASTdb (these are not really “files” but pointers to a local mini-database). All of those types need to be created at the server where you want to use them.

If you have another file of complex format that won’t transfer, you can screenshot the expanded dataset (so we can see the datatype format) and we can check it. You could also put that in the mini history you are going to share for the first example.

XREf → FAQ: Transfer entire histories from one Galaxy server to another

Let’s start there, thanks! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the response.

I’ve actually just tried again and it’s working now. I’m not sure what was wrong before but hopefully it was just a temporary glitch.

Hi @numbergirl86

Glad it is working now! :rocket:

I think I figured out the problem with this issue, as I have run into it before. If you have data on different usegalaxy servers, and the histories in question are already set to “Share”, there appears to be a longevity issue on this. If you go to your history of interest for each dataset on each server, just “unshare that history”, then Reset to “Share” again. This should fix the issue, as I’ve run across it numerous times and this is a reliable fix.

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Hi @Jon_Colman Thanks for posting the workaround. This is probably true at GDPR servers specifically, since you need to intensionally set the share state for each new dataset. Older datasets will have the share state set indefinitely or until you toggle that off.

If you are observing something different, I would be very interested in reviewing an example next time it comes up (history in a share state but an older dataset in the history not in a shared state).

The terms of usage can be reviewed under the ? menu per server. Off hand I can state that UseGalaxy.org is not compliant and UseGalaxy.eu is. This means setting to a shared state a ORG is persistent and applies to any dataset in that history (old or new), and at EU you will need to reshare if the data you want to access was created after the last time you toggled the history share state.

A bit confusing but if there is something else unstable going on, we can get it fixed if there is an example (I haven’t seen this yet when GDPR wasn’t a factor). :hammer_and_wrench:
