Export history to file gives html instead of the history

This is a very good idea for an enhancement. I don’t think it has been asked for yet but the utility is obvious. The archive would probably need to be recreated each time retrieval is requested (too large to keep as a permanent file) but it seems like a possible. Create an issue ticket at the Galaxy repository for this idea and it will be considered by the developers. They can work out the mechanics – I can think of a few ways this could be done and may comment on the ticket, and would definitely “upvote” it. If/when you do make a ticket, post it back here as another reply, to close the loop. Issues · galaxyproject/galaxy · GitHub

Correct, that is how it works now.

You could also publish the archive itself somewhere. Your own server on the web or a public site if you have the space. That way it would be a static record of your work, exactly the same over time, and you wouldn’t need to keep the history active in your own account.

Btw – it is also a good idea to generate and keep backups of important data/work anyway, even if it is not published/shared somewhere public. Many people go one step further and not only save the archive itself but also set up a simple local Galaxy to store work in context. These can be “read-only” Galaxy instances on your own computer, a place where archives are imported and can be reviewed, but new work is not done (so no need to install data/tools).

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