FastQC failing for conda venv issue at Galaxy Main -- Status: Fixed, please rerun

Hi all,

Encountered following error when try to do FastQC on the file uploaded to Galaxy (in fq.gz format). It was okay when I were trying to use CLC to analyze the data. Advice is much appreciated.

Zhi Soon

Failed to activate conda environment! Error was:
An unexpected error has occurred.
Please consider posting the following information to the
conda GitHub issue tracker at: "

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Don’t think this is enough info so others can help you. Did you set-up galaxy yourself?

Maybe start with checking if conda works from the commandline for example by doing this:

 conda search fastqc --channel bioconda
 conda create -n myenv fastqc
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Hi gbbio thanks for your reply. I am new to Galaxy and was using the Galaxy server, not that stand alone command-line Galaxy. So I was merely uploading files, did fastQC but received that error. How can I retrieve more
information for the error? Thanks

DISCLAIMER The sender of this email is an alumnus of National University of Singapore (NUS). Kindly note that NUS is not responsible for the contents of this email, and views and opinions expressed are solely the sender’s.

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So you use a public galaxy server? In that case it may help to mention which one. For example the admins can then help you further I think. But now no one knows on which server you are trying to upload.

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FastQC was problematic on the public server Galaxy Main

This was just fixed about an hour ago. Please try rerunning the job(s) now.

If working at a different Galaxy server, please share the URL. Or, you can look up the contact info and report the problem directly to those admins. Not all public server admins track this forum. Contact information is usually somewhere on the home page of the public server and/or here:


Hi Jenna thanks for the update, will re-run again. I will also take note the reporting format next round. Thanks !

DISCLAIMER The sender of this email is an alumnus of National University of Singapore (NUS). Kindly note that NUS is not responsible for the contents of this email, and views and opinions expressed are solely the sender’s.

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