Getting full paths of fastq files for QIIME2 Manifest files in Galaxy

I’m new to Galaxy and I’m using the Galaxy project in web and I have downloaded the fastq files from NCBI. I want to import these files for QIIME2 analysis and I have to write their full paths in Galaxy to import. Currently, I look at each individual fastq file for their path and copy it. Is there a way to find the path of all files easily

Welcome, @S_Harini_N_Pillai

We had another recent question about the Qiime2 data loading tool that creates the initial artifact, please see the instructions I wrote up there → Cannot get QIIME2 artifact to work

The important parts are how the files are named. You can adjust that before loading the data to Galaxy, or after it is loaded into Galaxy. Then create a paired-end collection (if that is the type of data your have).

Hope this helps! :slight_smile: