How to launch JupyterLab in my local galaxy

I have installed Galaxy on a local server. I would like to launch an interactive tool like JupyterLab, similar to How can I achieve this on my local Galaxy instance? I saw the tutorial, but it is for, and

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Hi @amufaamo

Yes, that tutorial is more for working inside of the environment.

For getting the GIEs configured on a server, you can follow this guide under the server administration tutorial section.

With all of the tutorials and general admin resources summarized here.

Local Galaxy

A local Galaxy server is a choice for personal use, and can be scaled to support multiple users.

Your service can be hosted publicly or privately. Connect to local, institutional, or commercial cloud computing resources and customize your usage policies.

:computer: Local Galaxy

Docker Galaxy

Much comes pre-configured, and common administrative tasks are simpler to implement and maintain. Be sure to review the repository’s README for these custom instructions.

:whale: Docker Galaxy

We can follow up more if you have questions! Thanks! :hammer_and_wrench:

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Thank you so much. I try it.

@jennaj Sorry that tutorial is too difficult for me.
Can I try this tutorial? It looks I don’t need ansilbe or wild card certificate etc.

I just want to launch jupyter notebook on my local galaxy. I only use the galaxy.

Is the Galaxy Docker project an alternative for you? GitHub - bgruening/docker-galaxy: 🐳📊📚 Docker Images tracking the stable Galaxy releases.

You need to tweak Galaxy config and a bit also your host settings to make ITs work. Its network configuration to embed your IT into Galaxy. This is all setup in the Galaxy Docker project. But you need to learn this project a bit.

@bgruening thank you so much. I read it and try it. I might ask you when I have a question.