Local Galaxy gives Error message when trying to install from Tool Shed

Hi all,

Disclaimer: I am very new to this and just wanted to self teach myself some Galaxy for hopefully future use and wanted to have my own local instance running.

I set up a local instance (Galaxy 24.01, running on macOS 14.5). With the instructions from the website and some Youtube videos I got it running and have admin access.

But know I ran into a wall I cannot seem to overcome it, no matter how much google-foo I use:
I cannot install any tools from the tool shed. I always get for everything an instant error. I installed Mercurial and I also think I have the right PATH set (I think there is something I don’t understand here and that’s why it isn’t working). I deleted Galaxy and reinstalled it and are again at the same point I was before.

Thanks a lot in advance,


Welcome, @Janina

Maybe try following the tutorials that are maintained by the people who write and maintain the code base instead?

If this what you were already following, you can explain more about any customization you’ve done already. Plus, the release you are working with and related details. Example: what is in the server logs for the error?

Then, to back up a bit, we had another recent question about “tools not installing from the ToolShed” recently. That issue had to do with the environment that Galaxy was originally installed into.

Let’s start there, thanks! :hammer_and_wrench:

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