Is anyone else having problems to upload data?

I’ve been trying for days upload 20 different datas and they took eternity to upload 6 and the rest of them was still waiting to run. The message I can read is “Error: Internal Server Error (500)”. Is anyone else having the same problem? I have no idea what to do, I’ve tried multiple times. I’d be glad if someone could help :slight_smile:

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Hi @camillybulhosa

The server was probably just super busy if you had a 500 error. Seems to be Ok now. :slight_smile:

This is my testing history Includes various local files types and an SRA data fetch.

You can just click on that link to see the data, you don’t need to import. If you are loading differently, and that is still failing, I’d be interested in reviewing/testing more. Sharing your history back would be one way to troubleshoot, or you can explain the datatype and how you are getting the data in and I’ll try the same with test data.

XRef: Getting Data into Galaxy