I recently noticed that the je-demultiplex tool is no longer accessible. Is there any explanation for why it was taken down, and will it be put back up? I see a few other je suite tools, such as je-demultiplex-Illu and je-clips, but I’ve become reliant on je-demultiplex and would like to use it again, if possible.
Thanks for any information
Welcome @jturo
Would you please confirm that you are working at Galaxy EU https://usegalaxy.eu?
If somewhere else, what is the URL?
Hi jennaj,
Thanks for the response. Yes, I am using https://usegalaxy.eu.
Funnily enough, I just re-checked for je-demultiplex and it is there again after being gone from Monday-Wednesday. Did you have any hand in putting it back? If so, thanks very much! I’m now doubting myself that it was ever missing, but it wasn’t appearing when I searched for it in the tools section, nor was there a ‘run again’ button available when looking through my previous runs of the tool in my histories. Has this sort of thing happened before?
Take care
Hi @jturo
Thanks for confirming the server. Glad you can find these now, whatever went on.
No, I didn’t make any changes to that server. But the EU server’s administrators/team may have.
The “rerun” button not being present is a bit odd – but if the tools were removed, or possibly removed then added back again (the same or different versions), that could be a plausible explanation for what occurred.
Ping @bjoern.gruening (EU administrator) in case he has more feedback.
@jturo sorry for the problem. There was a Galaxy bug in the new 19.09 that prevented to load this tool. This was fixed in the meantime and everything should work now.
Thanks for reporting.
Great, thanks for the help and information @jennaj and @bjoern.gruening.
Have a nice day