I am trying to run Trinity on two files of my history but the job is pending and never start. Someone can help me?
Have you solved this problem? my job also never start for one day
Not yet. Maybe is the Trinity program that has some problem because I’m using other programs that are working very well.
Thank you for your reply. What I used is the RNA STAR. The same to you. Only this software did not work. Others are OK.
I am having trouble with RNAstar jobs not running as well…
Hi @kathryng @Victor_Hugo_Aquino_Q @Hailong_Hu and anyone else experiencing the same issue.
Yes, there have been longer than average job execution delays over the prior 9 hours at Galaxy Main https://usegalaxy.org. We expect this to clear up shortly.
Please leave any currently queued jobs (grey) queued in order to preserve your current position(s). Avoid deleting and rerunning as this can result in more delays (new jobs are placed back at the end of the queue again).
Not all tools were impacted this time, but this advice still applies to all as a general rule, even when there is a server-side issue.
Thanks for reporting the problems!
Some jobs are delayed because the cluster they need to run on is under maintenance. https://portal.xsede.org/user-news/-/news/item/11554
Apologies for not having a proper announcement on our side.