Jobs get immediately paused

Welcome, @Carlos_Diaz-Castillo

Your jobs are queued, so let those flow through the queuing process without any interruptions.

As a test, I just started up some simple jobs, and those started immediately, but those were both very small, and were my only jobs. For larger jobs, or when running many jobs, at least some will usually queue, and that is totally normal.

How this works

And, I we have a topic here that explains a bit more: Job execution timing and computational resources: any tool, any public Galaxy server - #2 by jennaj. Any with the queued-gray-datasets tag will have more examples.

If you want to see what jobs the server is processing, follow the link on the server homepage. This topic shows where to click exactly. How to see the job queue statistics

All accounts work the same. So, I think all is working but it was good to double check! Hope this helps! :slight_smile: :scientist: