I have been trying to run some tools - FastQC, Trimmomatic, and CRISPResso2 from the usegalaxy.be server. FastQC jobs have been either running or queued since last Friday (~144 hours), Trimmomatic jobs have been queued since last Saturday (~120 hours), and CRISPResso2 jobs have been queued for ~24 hours.
I see a message on the server about planned downtime but do not know of the current status. I’ve sent a message through the web form to the server admins. You both could do the same. Find this on the server homepage (click on the upper top left icon, then scroll down a bit).
Let’s also ping them here. Hi @padge would you be able to let us know if anything special is going on right now on the server?
While we wait for feedback, the best general advice I have is to leave the jobs queued. If you delete and rerun, that only places the jobs back at the very end of the queue. This can significantly extend wait time, and if done often enough, a job may never get the chance to execute.
This guide does not list UseGalaxy.be yet, but probably should, and the same processing guidelines do apply.
Thanks for letting us know about the delays! More soon after the BE team reads the messages in their time zone! If either or both of you want to share a history with the queued jobs, we can help to double check that all of the inputs are in a good usable state (now), and the BE admins might be able to check for your specific tools/versions when they reply (later).