Is my job still running?

I used the “seqtk_sample” tool on a collection of Fastq files. it worked perfectly well and quite fast for all my samples except one… the job is still running, but for 3 days now. Can I be sure that the job is indeed still running? or should I better try to repeat the tool with this sample?

Welcome @TerryBerry

Odd. A job will time out after 48 hours at This means that the time it is in the executing phase (yellow dataset) is fixed.

Maybe the tool was queued for a while, then it started up? If you have a lot of samples, that would be the expected processing. Some run, some queue, then the rest run.

Whenever you quit out and rerun, your new job will start over at the back on the queue again. This can significantly extend processing time.

If you want to share back a link to that history, and let us know which data to review, we can help to confirm the processing state. How to share is in the banner of this forum, also here. → How to get faster help with your question

Thanks! :slight_smile:
