Maker: Failed to communicate with remote job server.

Hi, I am trying to run Maker but it gives me the following error:

Failed to communicate with remote job server.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Hi @tayabsoomro

To confirm, you are working at the Galaxy EU public server?

Try a rerun or two. Sometimes network traffic can get busy on any server.

If that doesn’t resolve the problem, the admins (@hexylena @bjoern.gruening) can help.


Yes, I am working with Galaxy EU public server.

I did try rerun a multiple times with no luck unfortunately.

  • Tayab

It is not a communication issue with the remote server (as “wrongly”
reported by Galaxy) but a problem with the configuration of the tool, particularly with the Repeat Masking section.

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Thanks, @gmauro – I didn’t recognize that might be the issue.

Pinging the EU server admins again @hexylena @bjoern.gruening

I tried to fix this at

Can you try maker on again @tayabsoomro


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@bjoern.gruening I tried it again and I see the same issue.

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Can you please send a new error report?

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