NCBI BLAST+ blastp


I have a FASTA file containing multiple protein sequences. I want to perform a BLAST search against the nr (non-redundant) or human protein database to identify the highest-scoring hit for each sequence. Specifically, I need the ID name of the topest hit for each sequence because my FASTA file does not include the names of the proteins.

Is it possible to perform this analysis using the Galaxy platform?

Thank you.

Welcome, @saman_ghodsi

Yes, you can run BLASTP+ in Galaxy against several pre-indexed databases or your own custom database. Find the tool in the tool panel at any of the UseGalaxy servers.

Link to the tool at ← this choice has the NR index ready to go

One of the output options is tabular and common search criteria are supported (find these under Advanced Options).

Tutorials to help with usage are linked at the very bottom of a tool form if a tool is included in any, and this one is.

Hope this helps! :slight_smile: