Output files for DESeq2 and EdgeR pairwise comparison

I am trying to do DeSeq2/Edge with 2 variables. When doing pairwise comparisons, the individual .xls files are labelled as seen below

“SigGene_pairwise_Result_7”, “SigGene_pairwise_Result_6”, etc. There is NO information about what pairs are being compared within each file. There are no legend files or anything. How do I understand which file compares which group of samples?

Hi @subham86

Which Galaxy server are you working at? I’m not familiar with that interface.

If you are not working in Galaxy (what this forum is focused on), you could try the tool as wrapped in this app. All of the analysis runtime details will be covered, you can easily create workflows for reuse, download data – all in a GUI application or through the API.

Galaxy Hub https://galaxyproject.org

Galaxy Training Network – Transcriptomics (see the end-to-end for similar methods to what you are doing now, including workflows) Galaxy Training!