I run into problems with mummerplot, could you please help me?
I have submitted a reference genome and an assembly (both in fasta format), for comparison, and I got the following message:
Reading delta file /data/dnb02/galaxy_db/files/008/660/dataset_8660337.dat
Writing plot files out.fplot, out.rplot, out.hplot
Writing gnuplot script out.gp
Rendering plot out.png
WARNING: Unable to run ‘false out.gp’, Inappropriate ioctl for device
Did I miss something or is there a pb with the tool?
I have the same problem.
Hi Joern,
I am currently having a similar problem.
Could you kindly help?
Which instance are you using?
I just realized that I am actually new on this platform. How do I go about using your server?
Thank you!
You can login at usegalaxy.eu … we recommend to start with a few tutorials. For example this one: https://training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/topics/introduction/tutorials/galaxy-intro-101/tutorial.html but there are many many more on this website.
I am new to this platform. I have used Nucmer for my sequences in .fna format file.
I got this error:
gnuplot 5.2 patchlevel 7
Reading delta file out.delta
Writing plot files out.fplot, out.rplot, out.hplot
Writing gnuplot script out.gp
Rendering plot out.png
WARNING: Unable to run ‘false out.gp’, Inappropriate ioctl for device
Any suggestions or solutions for the above description would be helpful.