DNAdiff output files

Hi there.
Is there a manual for DNAdiff available somewhere?
I run the program with no issues, but at the end I cannot understand all the info I get back in all the results files:

Output files:

    report: Summary of alignments, differences and SNPs
    delta: Standard nucmer alignment output
    1delta: 1-to-1 alignment from delta-filter -1
    mdelta: M-to-M alignment from delta-filter -m
    1coords: 1-to-1 coordinates from show-coords -THrcl .1delta
    mcoords: M-to-M coordinates from show-coords -THrcl .mdelta
    snps: SNPs from show-snps -rlTHC .1delta
    rdiff: Classified ref breakpoints from show-diff -rH .mdelta
    qdiff: Classified qry breakpoints from show-diff -qH .mdelta

Thank you.

Welcome, @pdemarco

The official documentation available is just the MUMmer publication cited on the form → MUMmer4: A fast and versatile genome alignment system

and the website hosted by the authors → https://mummer4.github.io/index.html

This is a link to their tutorials → https://mummer4.github.io/tutorial/tutorial.html

The Galaxy wrapper runs a set of those same commands all at once. It looks like those tutorial examples match up to the output names. :slight_smile:

Does this help?

Hi Jennifer, thank you for your help.
Unfortunately, for someone like me who uses the programs in Galaxy to avoid having to run them myself in Linux, the advice I find in the manual of mummer4 is a bit mute:

I don’t have access to the docs of the running program. I downloaded and unzipped the installation files for mummer-4.0.0rc1, but there is no docs folder or anything like that. I guess a very good service by Galaxy would be to make these docs available through the DNAdiff page. I would be very grateful…
Also: the 2 links at the bottom of the DNAdiff page don’t work: both open up empty pages.
Unfortunately, the Tutorials of the mummer4 page don’t mention DNAdiff.
Thank you a lot. Regards.


Hi @pdemarco

I found the document online here → mummer/docs/dnadiff.README at master · mummer4/mummer · GitHub

And, I agree it would be very useful to have this in the Help section of the tool form! I’ve opened a ticket here for the request → Request: add more to the Help section for dnadiff · Issue #6319 · galaxyproject/tools-iuc · GitHub. Please feel free to add more details to the request. :slight_smile:

We usually do this, so it was probably just missed for this one. Thanks for bringing it up!

Thank you Jennaj.
Since we’re at it, I would like to point out another small flaw: in the result files of DNAdiff, when I view them within the Galaxy web page, I can see headers for each column (ex. Seq ID Feature Type Feature Start Feature End Feature Length Column 6 Column 7), but these headers are not present in the downloaded .tabular (or .tab) files. The headers would obviously be quite helpful to have in the files…
Thanks again. Regards.

Hi @pdemarco

I saw that too, and am guessing that was on purpose (to make it easier to parse the files with other tools, in a workflow or similar).

You could open another ticket at that same place – maybe ask that the tool form includes an option to print out the headers into the outputs? Having a toggle would allow for both ways to use the outputs. :hammer_and_wrench:

Let me know what you decide, and I can do that later today instead!

Hi @pdemarco

Sorry that I wasn’t clearer: I meant that you could also open up an issue ticket at the Github repository where I had opened the other issue. Do you want to try doing that now (instead of posting the request here again), or do you want me to create it? No problem either way. :slight_smile:

Yes, please, can you create it?
I didn’t even know you had opened an issu in the Github…


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Hi @pdemarco

No worries! I created the ticket here Request: add in option to write out headers in dnadiff outputs · Issue #6325 · galaxyproject/tools-iuc · GitHub

Hopefully they’ll be able to do both! Thank you for the great feedback. :rocket:

And this is the original ticket for anyone else reading.