Problems Bowtie2 or Htseqcount

I performed an RNA-seq experiment with Illumina paired-end sequencing. I’m working with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and uploaded the genome of interest (fasta) and gene annotation file (gtf) file from which is a database for all pseudomonas. Those 2 files are from the same strain.

When performing FastQC, the webpage tells me the data is in Sanger / Illumina 1.9. All reads are of excellent quality, with a phred score mean of 39.

I am using Bowtie2 for alignement and then Htseqcount for counting the reads. When using bowtie, i put the 2 sets of read in the paired-end option. The tool works but then when i put it in Htseq count, the summary of the output is this:

Category Bowtie2 on data 55 data 1 and data 2: alignments
__no_feature 29798440
__ambiguous 0
__too_low_aQual 887230
__not_aligned 2034538
__alignment_not_unique 0

It is as if there is nothing that was aligned with Bowtie2?
I performed another analysis with Rockhopper and everything seems to map correctly. I am very confused as to why nothing is aligned in the summary.

If anybody has any idea as to why it doesn’t work, it would help tremendously. Thank you.

Hello @sandrine

Try using a splice-aware mapper like HISAT2 or RNA STAR when mapping RNA-seq reads.

There are some parameters to pay attention to when using either -(defaults are unlikely to work well)- so please see the tutorials for examples . Either of the two introduction tutorials, then the end-to-end is what you’ll want to start off with.

More general advice is included in this guide. → FAQ: Extended Help for Differential Expression Analysis Tools

Hope this helps! :scientist: