quality string - read length problems in Cutadapt output

I am getting systematic errors in output generated by Cutadapt. I think other users have experienced similar problems before.

I ran RNA Star with paired sequences that had been trimmed using Cutadapt.

Command Line:
*gunzip -c ‘/jetstream2/scratch/main/jobs/56982005/inputs/dataset_26149e76-4ccc-4d0f-9e9f-55093c06d828.dat’ > refgenome.fa && mkdir -p tempstargenomedir && STAR --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir ‘tempstargenomedir’ --genomeFastaFiles refgenome.fa --sjdbOverhang ‘100’ --sjdbGTFfile ‘/jetstream2/scratch/main/jobs/56982005/inputs/dataset_65a579d0-a211-40f0-9f27-bdebf97092a2.dat’ --sjdbGTFfeatureExon ‘exon’ --genomeSAindexNbases 14 --runThreadN ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-4} --limitGenomeGenerateRAM $((${GALAXY_MEMORY_MB:-31000} * 1000000)) && STAR --runThreadN ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-4} --genomeLoad NoSharedMemory --genomeDir tempstargenomedir --readFilesIn ‘/jetstream2/scratch/main/jobs/56982005/inputs/dataset_5a81956e-5dd0-4ecc-9df7-3d0cee99846f.dat’ ‘/jetstream2/scratch/main/jobs/56982005/inputs/dataset_8d9e7ba1-f09e-483b-9537-c0419c85cb5b.dat’ --readFilesCommand zcat --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --twopassMode None ‘’ --quantMode GeneCounts --outSAMattrIHstart 1 --outSAMattributes NH HI AS nM ch --outSAMprimaryFlag OneBestScore --outSAMmapqUnique 60 --outSAMunmapped Within --outBAMsortingThreadN ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-4} --outBAMsortingBinsN 50 --winAnchorMultimapNmax 50 --limitBAMsortRAM $((${GALAXY_MEMORY_MB:-0}1000000)) && samtools view -b -o ‘/jetstream2/scratch/main/jobs/56982005/outputs/dataset_8919e0f8-d403-47f7-ae68-65588e5bb8c9.dat’ Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam

Tool Standard Output:
/usr/local/bin/STAR-avx2 --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir tempstargenomedir --genomeFastaFiles refgenome.fa --sjdbOverhang 100 --sjdbGTFfile /jetstream2/scratch/main/jobs/56982005/inputs/dataset_65a579d0-a211-40f0-9f27-bdebf97092a2.dat --sjdbGTFfeatureExon exon --genomeSAindexNbases 14 --runThreadN 16 --limitGenomeGenerateRAM 59392000000

  • STAR version: 2.7.11a compiled: 2023-09-15T02:58:53+0000 :/opt/conda/conda-bld/star_1694746407721/work/source*
    Apr 09 16:19:17 … started STAR run
    Apr 09 16:19:17 … starting to generate Genome files
    Apr 09 16:20:01 … processing annotations GTF
    Apr 09 16:20:27 … starting to sort Suffix Array. This may take a long time…
    Apr 09 16:20:42 … sorting Suffix Array chunks and saving them to disk…
    Apr 09 16:35:49 … loading chunks from disk, packing SA…
    Apr 09 16:37:23 … finished generating suffix array
    Apr 09 16:37:23 … generating Suffix Array index
    Apr 09 16:40:13 … completed Suffix Array index
    Apr 09 16:40:14 … inserting junctions into the genome indices
    Apr 09 16:42:55 … writing Genome to disk …
    Apr 09 16:43:01 … writing Suffix Array to disk …
    Apr 09 16:44:03 … writing SAindex to disk
    Apr 09 16:44:11 … finished successfully
  • /usr/local/bin/STAR-avx2 --runThreadN 16 --genomeLoad NoSharedMemory --genomeDir tempstargenomedir --readFilesIn /jetstream2/scratch/main/jobs/56982005/inputs/dataset_5a81956e-5dd0-4ecc-9df7-3d0cee99846f.dat /jetstream2/scratch/main/jobs/56982005/inputs/dataset_8d9e7ba1-f09e-483b-9537-c0419c85cb5b.dat --readFilesCommand zcat --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --twopassMode None --quantMode GeneCounts --outSAMattrIHstart 1 --outSAMattributes NH HI AS nM ch --outSAMprimaryFlag OneBestScore --outSAMmapqUnique 60 --outSAMunmapped Within --outBAMsortingThreadN 16 --outBAMsortingBinsN 50 --winAnchorMultimapNmax 50 --limitBAMsortRAM 59392000000*
  • STAR version: 2.7.11a compiled: 2023-09-15T02:58:53+0000 :/opt/conda/conda-bld/star_1694746407721/work/source*
    Apr 09 16:44:11 … started STAR run
    Apr 09 16:44:12 … loading genome
    Apr 09 16:44:23 … started mapping

I got errors in RNA Star saying that length of quality string was different from sequence length.

Here is one representative Tool Standard Error:
EXITING because of FATAL ERROR in reads input: quality string length is not equal to sequence length
350218072L2C001R00100033299/1 1381 N 0
SOLUTION: fix your fastq file

Apr 09 16:44:26 … FATAL ERROR, exiting

I then ran FASTQ Info on all the Cutadapt output sequences. It turns that ALL 24 sequence datasets I had trimmed with Cuadapt have problems with read length.

Here is one representative output:
fastq_utils 0.25.1
Scanning and indexing all reads from /corral4/main/objects/0/0/3/dataset_0036b7fd-cd09-4bf2-b956-c772c0f6ae98.dat

ERROR: Error in file /corral4/main/objects/0/0/3/dataset_0036b7fd-cd09-4bf2-b956-c772c0f6ae98.dat: line 6937: read length too small - 0

The line is different in the 24 datasets, the highest line number I find is 141473, yet I think other line numbers are not random but repeating. For instance, see this compilation of line numbers:
6937; 6937; 39369; 32113; 90949; 90949; 39805; 36581; 80501; 19265; 16793; 8793; 141473; 4629; 67417; 5521; 4301; 2961; 17405; 3729; 3665; 1873; 585; 585; 6937; 39369; 90949; 39805; 80501; 16793; 141473

I was not sure whether FASTQ Info reports only the first error and then exits, or all errors, and there are thus, respectively, potentially many more such errors in the dataset, or only one.

I then ran FASTQ Info on ALL the ORIGINAL sequence datasets used for trimming with Cutadapt. It turns out NONE of them seem to have problems. Here is one representative output:
fastq_utils 0.25.1
Scanning and indexing all reads from /corral4/main/objects/9/5/7/dataset_9578c703-a94c-4c66-aa5e-46e137b6207e.dat

  •           100000               200000               300000               400000               500000               600000               700000               800000               900000               1000000               1100000               1200000               1300000               1400000               1500000               1600000               1700000               1800000               1900000               2000000               2100000               2200000               2300000               2400000               2500000               2600000               2700000               2800000               2900000               3000000               3100000               3200000               3300000               3400000               3500000               3600000               3700000               3800000               3900000               4000000               4100000               4200000               4300000               4400000               4500000               4600000               4700000               4800000               4900000               5000000               5100000               5200000               5300000               5400000               5500000               5600000               5700000               5800000               5900000               6000000               6100000               6200000               6300000               6400000               6500000               6600000               6700000               6800000               6900000               7000000               7100000               7200000               7300000               7400000               7500000               7600000               7700000               7800000               7900000               8000000               8100000               8200000               8300000               8400000               8500000               8600000               8700000               8800000               8900000               9000000               9100000               9200000               9300000               9400000               9500000               9600000               9700000               9800000               9900000               10000000               10100000               10200000               10300000               10400000               10500000               10600000               10700000               10800000               10900000               11000000               11100000               11200000               11300000               11400000               11500000               11600000               11700000               11800000               11900000               12000000               12100000               12200000               12300000               12400000               12500000               12600000               12700000               12800000               12900000               13000000               13100000               13200000               13300000               13400000               13500000               13600000               13700000               13800000               13900000               14000000               14100000               14200000               14300000               14400000               14500000               14600000               14700000               14800000               14900000               15000000               15100000               15200000               15300000               15400000               15500000               15600000               15700000               15800000               15900000               16000000               16100000               16200000               16300000               16400000               16500000               16600000               16700000               16800000               16900000               17000000               17100000               17200000               17300000               17400000               17500000               17600000               17700000               17800000               17900000               18000000               18100000               18200000               18300000               18400000               18500000               18600000               18700000               18800000               18900000               19000000               19100000               19200000               19300000               19400000               19500000               19600000               19700000               19800000               19900000               20000000               20100000               20200000               20300000               20400000               20500000               20600000               20700000               20800000               20900000               21000000               21100000               21200000               21300000               21400000               21500000               21600000               21700000               21800000               21900000               22000000               22100000               22200000               22300000               22400000               22500000               22600000               22700000               22800000               22900000               23000000               23100000               23200000               23300000               23400000               23500000               23600000               23700000               23800000               23900000               24000000               24100000               24200000               24300000               24400000               24500000               24600000               24700000               24800000               24900000               25000000               25100000               25200000               25300000               25400000               25500000               25600000Scanning complete.*

Reads processed: 25691513
Memory used in indexing: ~1764 MB
Number of reads: 25691513
Quality encoding range: 33 73
Quality encoding: 33
Read length: 100 100 100

Do I interpret it correctly that the Cutadapt trimming generated errors in its output systematically and none of the Cutadapt output could thus be used for RNA Star as every Star run will abort with the same error?

I also note that the same problems (with different sequence datasets) occur on both Galaxy.ORG and Galaxy.EU.

Is there an easy way to fix the Cutadapt output?

Any other advice on alternative options for trimming my sequences that will actually work?

Thanks a lot in advance!

The original sequences are MGI PE100. I use MGI forward filter and reverse filter sequences for trimming.

Can you please send a bug report for this on Galaxy Europe?