Running Apptainer (Singularity) on Pulsar

Hello everyone,

I have recently got pulsar working for offloading jobs from my self hosted Galaxy instance.

This seems to be working well for simple tools, but I would love to be able to run Singularity / Apptainer images!

Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction or offer any advice?

All the best and thanks in advance,


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Welcome, @OliverWoolland

I’m going to cross post your question over to our Admin chat for expert advice. They may reply here or there, and feel free to join the chat! :slight_smile: You're invited to talk on Matrix


the docs should get you started, let us know if you have questions after that

Thank you! I’ll follow along over there :slight_smile:

Thank you for the link! We have got containers working ok locally (on our server) - it is via pulsar that we are struggling at the moment.

Do the docs cover both? I didn’t spot anything explicitly pulsar on that page but I may have missed something!

In a basic setup it should just work if you have docker_enabled on your job environment that sends jobs to pulsar. What issues are you facing?