Slurmstepd error

I’m currently taking an online introductory course hosted by James Taylor and he’s walking us through an example. I’m accessing Galaxy via usegalaxy dot org. I’ve uploaded coding exon and repeats data from the UCSC main table browser.

So initially it looks like everything works, the job runs and the history turns green. However there’s this message: “slurmstepd: error: _prec_extra: Could not find task_memory_cg, this should never happen” for both data uploads. The next step in the process is to use the “Join the intervals of two datasets side-by-side” function. This time the end result is that the history for this is red and the same slurmstedp message as before appears.

Here’s the link to the published history on Galaxy.

Erik E

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Same problem on the above topic - can the two threads be condensed at all?
