Hi Team, I am looking for a step-by-step guides and PowerPoint slides to teach a genomics lab to 15 students. Do you have anything to share? If they register, can we download a few antimicrobial-resistant strains and nonresistant fastqs and assemble them, and find the SNPs or any genetic or domain variations causing the resistance?
Welcome, @Shaadi_Mehr
We have tutorials here that are used for training like yours.
Starting at the top
Then, you can design how you want to combine tutorials into groups. Some examples are here in our “Pathways” → Learning Pathways.
This might be a place to start → Learning Pathway: Detection of AMR genes in bacterial genomes
For organizing and teaching, we also have these dedicated resources → Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Tutorial List
Be sure to see this section in the teaching resources – it is useful for classes compressed into a short time period of one to a few consecutive days (otherwise just the regular resources are fine) → Hands-on: Training Infrastructure as a Service / Training Infrastructure as a Service / Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training
Let’s start there and you can ask follow up questions!
Hi Jenn. Is there any way to use existing bacterial fastq files and QC them? Can you send a tutorial on that part? Thank you for AMR detection post assembly but I am also interested in QC and assembly of Fastq reads. Can I ask for the reads for that step and do the QC and assembly on them for bacterial reads?