I am trying to use BiG-SCAPE on the galaxy.eu server. When I upload antiSMASH results for entire genomes, in gbk format, the tool runs successfully, but the results do not make sense. Despite many BGCs in the genomes, the tool only detects like 1 BGC and 1 BGC family from each genome. Has anyone been able to run this tool on gbks of entire antiSMASH outputs?
That will take some time to run. Maybe you can notice where the problem is in this simple case, or notice something technical between your antiSMASH results and this data? We can dig into this more, this is just to get us started.
If you have a smaller test example to share back, too, that would also help. How to share work is explained in the banner topic of this forum. Smaller yet representative is best.
Update: I decided to pull the original genome sequences for those same genomes and run AntiSMASH on them in Galaxy. I’ll then run Big-scape on those results. This will provide a direct comparison between public known annotation versus predicted when run through these two tools.