I am trying to run BiGSCAPE (job id: 76606056) on the antiSMASH outputs of a bacterial genome. For the tool input, I downloaded Pfam-A.hmm.gz from the link InterPro
However, my job run was unsuccessful and I got the error:
Error: File existence/permissions problem in trying to open HMM file ./pfam/Pfam-A.hmm.
HMM file ./pfam/Pfam-A.hmm not found (nor an .h3m binary of it)
Please suggest a solution.
Welcome, @Shayontani_Basu
Did you run this at a public Galaxy server? Which one? Find the URL at the very top of your browser window.
Next, the Help section on the form as the recommended file located here. You can just paste this link into the Upload tool and use all defaults to get it into your history.
Then, when running the tool, try toggling these two options to true on the tool form.
- Print more detailed information about each step
- Extra log file as output
I have an example run with very tiny test data here if you would like to compare to it.
Please let us know if this helps! If you would like to troubleshoot more, you can share back your work (after fetching the correct file?) and we can try to help more. See the banner at this forum for how to, or please see here directly. → How to get faster help with your question. Thanks!
Thank you for your message. I am using the Galaxy EU server Galaxy
I tried following the steps that you had outlined, pasting the link you had provided for Pfam-A directly into the upload tool,
however I ended up getting the same error message in the log files. I also tried opening the link to your BiGSCAPE test run (screenshot attached). It appears that the output files are empty, even though the Pfam-A has been successfully pressed according to the log file.
My job output link:
Please find the screenshot for your test run output with the error message
Please find the screenshot for my dataset output with the error message
I would be very grateful if you could please help me out.
It looks like my job failed, too! I’m looking closer, more feedback soon!
Update: The problem is server-side from what I can tell, and I’ve reported it to the EU administrators. They will see this tomorrow morning and provide more feedback then.
This is the only UseGalaxy.* server that hosts the tool, so I don’t have a good workaround. But I would like to say thanks for reporting the issue, and hopefully we’ll get some clarity soon!
Thank you for your message. I think I have found the solution, that is the Pfam-A.hmm.gz needs to be unzipped and the Pfam-A.hmm file uploaded in the area requiring the Pfam-A file. It has generated a successful output for my job:
I am very grateful for your support and would be very grateful if you could kindly let me know if this helps

Thank you @Shayontani_Basu !!
Funny enough, this is what the instructions in the Help on the form say, that I also had ignored.
Really glad you figured this out and posted back what worked!!
Thank you for your support. I am glad that I could be of help